Wednesday 9 January 2008

Hey,'s January

I was recently taken to task for not having updated this page in a while...who knew anyone was actually reading it?!? And then I realized I had a half written post from the week before Christmas when I was killing time (I mean, working really hard) at the office, which makes no sense at all now. So, in the spirit of starting off the new year with a clean slate, I'll start over.

I know I'm not the only one having a hard time getting my shit together and back to productivity after the holidays. As evidenced by last Saturday night's "We're not ready to let go of 2007 Pub Crawl", many of you seem to be in the same boat. I'm not sure why it seems to be harder this year. Maybe it's rebelling against another year passing and feeling like I don't have much to show for it. Maybe it's feeling a bit exhausted at the thought of all the things I need to accomplish in the coming months. Or maybe it's just too many late nights and too much drinking over the holidays (no seriously, look at my facebook pictures, I'm holding a drink at almost every occasion) that's taking a bit more time to recover from. Whatever it is, I'm hoping that the recovery is just around the corner and I'm back to feeling productive and energized.

And I have a lot of good stuff coming up in the next little while. The Toronto Rock season kicks off with the home opener this Friday and the 9th season of Section 111ers is set to begin. I'm seeing a couple of plays/musicals/movies over then next few weeks. And in three weeks from Friday I'm taking off to Miami to set sail on Ships & Dip III (cause II is best not remembered) with my mom and a bunch of bands and comedians and hitting Grand Cayman and Ocho Rios en route (what was I saying about giving up late nights and drinking?).

I'll tell you what I won't be doing...watching the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night. I had at least three people call or email to express their condolences when the cancellation was announced (apparently I've been quite vocal about the Globes being my favourite award show). I've been coping with this strike to date, while lamenting the abrupt endings to some of my fav shows, but this just might be too much. C'mon people...get it figured out!! And before the Oscars dammit! The latest victim of the strike for me is Gossip Girl...are you watching this show? If not, you should be. Last night's episode was the last one they managed to get written and filmed and I really, really need to know what happens to S and B next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray, a new entry! :) I too am going to suffer now that Gossip Girl is over for a while. Damn last night's show was good!! (This is Kate by the way, I'm posting anonymously cause I don't have a Blogger/Google ID.)