Thursday 20 March 2008

No day but today

I saw Rent for the 5th time last night. And yes, I know this pales in comparison to the count of the legions of "Rentheads" out there. I've mentioned how much I love musicals before and this is the one that kicked it off for me. I saw it for the first time in London at the start of my post university European tour and it was one of those hair standing on end, goosebump experiences. I proceeded to listen to the soundtrack so many times that I can sing the entire thing from beginning to end (and have subjected more than one friend to my 'performance' on road trips...sorry folks).

It was made even more fun last night for the fact that I was introducing it to a friend that had never seen it before. At our pre-show dinner, D and I were doing our best not to oversell our excitement for the show to Vicky who was our Rent virgin, though we couldn't stop ourselves from busting out a line or two...maybe it was the martinis...probably not. I thought it was a good production and Vic loved it (thankfully). For me the show is made or broken by whoever is playing Roger and he was fantastic (and played by South African Idol winner Heinz Winckler). Before the show last night I had said to myself (and others) that it would be my fifth and final time and now I'm not sure about that. It's closing in New York after running for 12 years and I'm thinking if I get there before June it might be worth seeing there before they shut it down ;-).

I can tell you that the soundtrack will definitely get a run through on the 3 hour drive to the cottage tomorrow.

Have a good long weekend people!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its been over a month since your last post, I miss your witty comments and a connection to the Toronto life!